[gilug] Re: MiniDebConf 2014 Barcelona Call for Proposals
Guillem Alsina Gonzàlez guillem alsina imatica info
2014-01-20 17:21:25 UTC
Jo estic pensant demanar a l'organització el poder cobrir l'esdeveniment
com a premsa i gravar-hi alguna entrevista en vídeo amb les mateixes
organitzadores. Si hi vaig, aviso.
*Guillem Alsina Gonzàlez*
Co-director i editor El Mur Tecnològic
<http://www.elmurtecnologic.cat/> i Alexi's
TechBlog <http://www.alexistechblog.com/>
President Junta Directiva ATI Catalunya <http://www.ati.es/>
Vocal Junta Directiva AENTEG <http://www.aenteg.com/>
Membre seniorTIC <http://www.seniortic.org/>
Membre del GPD <http://periodistesdigitals.org/>
Membre d'APEI/PRTVI <http://www.apeiprtv.com/indice.htm>
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2014/1/20 ETEEEEEEE <>
> Algú hi anirà ?
> A mi em faria gràcia anar-hi ... però sol ... no sé ...
> Algú hi anirà a treure el cap ?
> 2014/1/15 Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <>
>> ===============================================
>> MiniDebConf 2014 Barcelona Call for Proposals
>> ===============================================
>> Debian Women is proud to announce that it will hold a MiniDebConf
>> in Barcelona on 15-16 March 2014, where Debian enthusiasts from
>> far and wide will gather to talk about the latest Debian changes
>> and the Debian community, as well as to meet new and old friends.
>> We want to have a MiniDebConf with both talks and social events,
>> to which everyone in Debian is invited but where the speakers in
>> the talks are all people who identify themselves as female. We
>> consider this important to:
>> * Encourage women who haven't yet given their first DebConf talk
>> * Provide role models for women who are interested in contributing
>> * Debunk the myth that there are not enough women who can give
>> talks in DebConf
>> The idea behind the conference is not to talk about women in free
>> software, or women in Debian, but rather to make discussion about
>> Debian subjects more inclusive for women. If you agree with this
>> goal, spread the word. Forward this call for potential speakers
>> and help us make this event a great success!
>> Debian Women invites submissions of proposals for papers,
>> presentations, discussion sessions and tutorials for the
>> event. Submissions are not limited to traditional talks: you
>> could propose a performance, an art installation, a debate or
>> anything else. All talks are welcome, whether newbie or very
>> advanced level. Regular sessions will be 45 minutes long,
>> including time for questions, with a 15 minute break between
>> events.
>> If you have one or more proposals, please send it to
>> Don't forget to include
>> in your message: your name or nick, the title of the event,
>> description, language, and any other information that might
>> be useful. We will try to get some sponsorship to help with
>> speakers' travel expenses.
>> Please submit your proposal(s) before the 31st of January so that
>> we can start the evaluation process and build the conference
>> program. We might continue to receive proposals after date if
>> there is still free space in the schedule.
>> We hope to see you in Barcelona!
>> For more information, visit http://bcn2014.mini.debconf.org
>> Source: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-
>> Women/2014/CallForProposals<https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/CallForProposals>
>> --
>> --
>> Linux User 152692
>> Catalonia
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