[gilug.org] DNS resolution does not work!

Lourdes Mallorquí i Dani Fossas lourdes dani gmail com
2006-10-28 11:14:53 UTC

Hola gent!

Fa uns dies que l'mldonkey se'm penja molt sovint i quan el torno a cridar em 
dona aquest missatge:
:~> mlnet
2006/10/28 13:09:12 Starting MLDonkey 2.7.3 ...
2006/10/28 13:09:12 Language ES, locale UTF-8, ulimit for open files 1024
2006/10/28 13:09:12 MLDonkey is working in /home/dani/.mldonkey
2006/10/28 13:09:12 [DNS] Resolving [linux] ...
2006/10/28 13:09:12 [DNS] Resolving [www.mldonkey.net] ...

DNS resolution does not work! Looking up www.mldonkey.net failed with 
The core therefore is unable to get eDonkey serverlists and loading
.torrent files via dllink from websites is also impossible.
If you are using MLDonkey in a chroot environment you should
consider reading this article to get DNS support back:

2006/10/28 13:09:17 Logging in /home/dani/.mldonkey/mlnet.log
2006/10/28 13:09:17 Core started
A més, no em baixa pràcticament res (excepte d'Overnet). Intueixo (no sé 
gairebé anglès) que alguna cosa no funciona respecte a la xarxa donkey. He 
buscat al google pero no veig la resposta i al manual de l'administrador de 
suse tampoc m'hi aclaro.
(Recordeu els meus pocs coneixements d'informàtica). Algú em pot donar un cop 
de mà?

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